Saturday, September 9, 2023

A Criminal, A White Nationalist, and an Insurrectionist walk into a Bar...


There's no problem that can't be ignored if we really put our minds to it!
-- His Majesty Ralph JonesKing Ralph

Stop me if you've heard this one. 

Talk about a bad joke. 

The leading Republican candidate for President of the United States is a unrepentant seditionist currently under criminal indictment in four jurisdictions (and likely soon to be five), charged with nearly a hundred major felonies and who was recently found liable for sexual assault. 

He's not the first candidate for president with a mugshot, but he might be the only one who got arrested, fingerprinted, and had to call a bail bondsman while he was running for office.

He may or may not be the only candidate to try and make a buck off his criminal indictment, but he is most certainly the only one with supporters dumb enough to give him money for it. 

When he's not getting arrested, Donald Trump spends all day, every day, on his rapidly failing social media platform, crowing about his polls, attacking his imagined enemies, and ranting in all caps and the third person about how unfair everyone is to Trump. The more this guy talks, and the more he talks about himself in the third person, the more delusional he sounds. Trump is quite literally his own worst enemy and if he was your dad, you'd have him sedated and put into an elder care facility with big burly mean nurses and doors that lock from the outside. 

Trump's entire presidency was nothing but excuses -- well, that and golf.

He accomplished quite literally nothing, other than an ill-conceived trade war and record unemployment. And yet, somehow, the dipshits he screwed the worst are firmly convinced it's all somehow the fault of woke trans people, Joe Biden, and illegal immigrants. 

A bizarrely high number of his lawyers are disbarred or in prison. 

The only members of his administration who didn't end up writing books about how insane and incompetent and outright dangerous he is are the ones currently negotiating plea agreements to keep from going to prison for him themselves. 

Trump's most loyal supporters are the convicted felons he pardoned on his last day in office. 

He was a terrible leader, the worst kind in every aspect. He's the boss from hell. He's the officer who gets you killed, in peacetime. He's your crazy ex, the stalker who keeps violating the restraining order. He's the nut on the corner who smells like cat piss shouting about UFOs and CIA brain implants. He's racist Mel Gibson in a drunken rage leaving a voicemail on your phone. 

And he just might be the least presidential candidate to ever run for office -- and that list includes lunatic extremist and hardcore antisemite Lyndon LaRouche who ran for president from prison and who likewise had a violent cultlike following of deluded morons, brawlers, and antigovernment seditionists who still want him to be president even though he's dead. 

Trump is the foul distilled essence of the very worse aspects of America. He's loudly bombastic and proudly ignorant, all glitz and fake-gold veneer over a hollow shell of greed and dirty stained sheets like an Atlantic City casino. He's overfed and underinformed, the cold, stale, limp fast-food cheeseburger of politicians. He has more money than sense -- and he lies about how much money he has. He is chronically, pathetically, and desperately insecure and he spends every waking moment furiously compensating for his impotent inadequacies like a human shaped pair of rubber Truck Nutz dangling from the rear bumper of some jacked up, coal-rolling Texas 4x4 with a Molon Labe decal in the back window and a fake cowboy with a giant hat in the front seat.

Trump is right now openly threatening the Courts, attacking law enforcement, and promising to lock up everyone he feels done him wrong the minute he's back in power. 

Donald Trump appeals to the worse, most base, most shallow elements of his supporters and they love him because he makes it okay to be the very worst version of themselves. 



What's that? 

Gee, Jim, why don't you tell us something we don't know already?

All right. Yeah. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. True. But, see? That's the thing. That, right there. I know. You know. Everybody knows. Hell, even Republicans know -- and they do. Oh, yes, they do. They know what a complete piece of shit Donald Trump actually is, but he's still the leading candidate for the Republican ticket by at least 40 points, maybe 50, depending on who you believe.

Republicans know, but they'll put him in power again if given even half a chance.

If you don't show up, Republicans are going to put Trump in the White House and they'll queue up behind him like good little storm troopers and they'll commit every atrocity and gleefully watch the Republic burn without so much as a single twinge of regret or a moment of conscience. Because while Trump was horribly bad for the country and the world at large, he was pretty good for Republicans. They got everything they wanted out of him and then some. He was the perfect Republican president, loud, stupid, cowed by wealth and power, easily manipulated by business and religion, and enthusiastically willing to screw all the people Republicans hate. They don't care what happens in the future, so long as they get rich and they get revenge now

They'll put Trump back in office. 

They absolutely will. 

How do I know? Well, Trump is not only the leading candidate for the Republican ticket, the guy in second place isn't even close. 

And who is the guy in second place?

Does it really matter? The official second place? Numbers, polls, etc? Really? I mean, they're all varying degrees of terrible, little goosestepping copies of Trump all busy trying to be the most extreme.

At this point, it's probably Vivek Ramaswamy.

Every time Ramaswamy opens his mouth it's to announce some authoritarian extremism that he plans on implementing his first day in office despite the fact it's blatantly illegal and grossly unconstitutional -- something that doesn't seem to much bother the party of self-declared "Constitutional Conservatives" given how few Republicans (zero) have denounced his fascism. 

Yesterday, Ramaswamy promised that if elected president, he'll deport American-born children of undocumented immigrants even though they are by law U.S. citizens. Deport them … where? To what country? They're Americans. By birth. By law. By the Constitution. They've never lived anywhere else. They're likely productive members of our society. They grew up here, went to school here, speak our language, live our culture. They didn't break the law, but they'd get punished for the sins of their parents and, man, it just don't get any more Christian than that, does it? Deporting them would be completely illegal, unconstitutional, a violation of international law and agreements, far beyond the authority of the president (or any member of the government), and a very, very Trumpian thing to promise.

And the crowd cheered. 

Previously, Ramaswamy wanted to ban 18 to 25-year-olds from voting, unless they passed a test based on his criteria -- or had military service, something he himself seems to have avoided. Again, illegal, unconstitutional, beyond the scope of the president's authority, but a very, very Trump thing to say given the common perception that young people tend to vote liberal and military service makes you conservative. The Republican response to any vote against them is to ban those people from voting and then tell you how we don't actually live in a democracy. 

You have to wonder exactly what answers you'd have to give to "pass" that test.  

Probably one of the most telling statements Ramaswamy has made is: "I've fired underperformers in the private sector. I'm going to do it for probably 75% of the people who work as federal bureaucrats in the government in Washington, D.C [...] Mass layoffs are absolutely what I'm bringing to the D.C. bureaucracy." This is yet another conservative who thinks you can run government like one of Trump's bed-bug infested hotels. Liquidate a few divisions, outsource essential services, jack up the stock prices and bonuses for all the executives. Like Trump, he doesn't see you as citizens, but rather as suckers to be fleeced for profit. 

Government as a business, run by a techbro like Elon Musk, and not a real great place to work hardly seems like the kind of country that would be much fun to live in, does it? 

Following the recent Jacksonville mass shooting, where a self-described neo-Nazi murdered three black people in a Dollar General and then turned his gun on himself, Ramaswamy immediately blamed the racially motivated hate crime on Democrats, Higher Education, and the Media, essentially saying that if people of color would just be quiet about rights, black lives, and justice, well, then racists wouldn't have a reason to kill them. Ramaswamy seems to think that if he's the biggest asshole in the room, all the old white Conservatives will forget he's a brown skinned son of immigrants with a funny name, an Ivy League education, and a rich Wall Street elite who runs a pharmaceutical company. 

The worst part is that he might not be wrong. 

Who else?

Well, there's Ron Pudding Fingers DeSantis, once the MAGA heir apparent, now just another wannabe fascist thrown under the Trump bus with Eric and Mike Pence. 

What can I say about Red Tide Ron that hasn't been said already? I mean, goddamn, when your biggest, most outspoken, most visible supporters are the flabby balding toothless genetic failures wearing Nazi uniforms and waving Swastikas in front of Disney, I'm not really sure what I can add to that. 

The pathetic sadness of DeSantis' attempts to appear manly is exceeded only by how much he fails at it. 

Every time DeSantis thumps his chest and declares in his little squeaky voice how much of an anti-woke stud he is, I picture him in a gimp suit getting his ass spanked by an insurance executive in a leather Goofy costume holding a Little Mermaid themed cat-O-nine-tails. The only thing bigger than Ron DeSantis' failure is Matt Gaetz forehead. Ron DeSantis couldn't get laid in The Villages with two front row tickets to The Grand Ole Opry and a handful of Golden Corral coupons.

Who else?

Mike Pence might be the only point of agreement in America: everybody hates him. Left. Right. Moderate. Extremist. There are probably space aliens living in some incomprehensible technological construct a thousand light years from here that hate Mike Pence and wouldn't anal probe him even if he was the last redneck on a remote Nevada highway. Everyone hates Mike Pence -- which sounds like a sitcom starring Kevin Sorbo and Roseanne Barr that got cancelled halfway through the first episode. 

Pence did one noteworthy thing in his entire ingrown toenail of a life. 

That one time, on January 6th, when he actually did his job and refused to stop the election certification. It wasn't heroism. It's just in that moment Mike Pence suddenly realized he hadn't gotten permission from Mother to be the villain he'd always wanted to be. So, he did the safe thing. Now, yeah, great, that worked out for us, for the Republic, but Mike Pence isn't any hero and the worst part about it for him is that he can't even pretend to be. 

That one thing, that one single action in his entire life when he actually did the moral thing, he can't run on it. 

He can't even mention it. 

It's his Waterloo. 

The Republican Party is so far gone that they're willing to hang a politician who actually takes the moral high ground. 

Mike Pence is as dead as Kevin Sorbo's acting career, he just hasn't figured it out yet. 

Chris Christie? LOL. C'mon. Might as well uncrate Mitt Romney in whatever dusty warehouse they're keeping him in, pop in a new battery, and let him regale us with stories of how much he loves dogs. I mean, sure, compared to the previous mentions, Christie seems almost human in comparison. But it only seems that way. 

Chris Christie is a petty, petulant sack of limp dicks who would be reviled as one of the worst politicians in America if Trump hadn't come along. 

Nikki Haley? 

Well, you know, Haley is one of the few former Trump confidants and Administration officials who isn't actually under indictment or in prison, so, I guess maybe that's something. 

But, the key thing there is that she was in the Trump administration and like Christi and Pence, she only seems rational in comparison. She only won the Republican primary for governor of South Carolina due to an endorsement by Sarah Palin and if you think she's reasonable, I'd remind you that the fucking Tea Party had her give the Republican "rebuttal" to Barack Obama's 2016 State of the Union Address. You forgot about that hour of insane conspiracy theories, racism, and outright lies, didn't you? Yeah, go look that up on YouTube and tell me she's the rational one of the bunch. Haley is another child of immigrants who is determined to pull the ladder up after herself. I got mine, fuck you. She might have some reservations about the Republican war on abortion, but she as hell isn't going to stand up for any liberal woman's right to choose, not if she wants the endorsement that is. 

Haley isn't the savior who pulls the GOP back towards the center, she's just another extremist only smoother and with better hair. 

Who else?

Tim Scott? Favorite recipient of Koch Brothers money? Maybe. But I have my doubts just how far Scott can go in a party that is increasingly open about its white nationalism. And like Haley, who appointed him to the Senate in 2013, Scott only seems reasonable in comparison to the rest of the Republican Party. Though, truthfully, if my choices were Scott or (Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Haley, et al), I'd grit my teeth and fill in the little circle for Scott. It better not come to that. 

Who's left? 

Ryan Binkley, Doug Burgum, Larry Elder, Will Hurd, Perry Johnson, Asa Hutchison? I miss anybody? 

The only way any of any of these dipshits are going to get anywhere near the nomination is a faulty electrical connection in a rainstorm. 

That's right. You heard me. A bolt of lightning. 

Like in King Ralph when the entire British Royal Family gets electrocuted during a photoshoot and  they have to call in John Goodman -- who would probably make a vastly better president than anyone Republicans currently have in the lineup.  

That's the terrible unfunny punchline of this terrible unfunny joke, right there. 

A criminal, a white nationalist, and an insurrectionist walk into a bar and, yes, we have heard this one before. Too damn often. And the punchline should be, "what can I get you, Mr. Trump?" but it's not. Because it's not just Trump, it's the whole rotten, miserable, ideology. 

It's the whole damn bunch.  

This is the best conservative America can offer us, this motley assortment of criminals, seditionists, bigots, and flag waving Nazis who want to crank the clock back to 1950. 

You know, Joe Biden might be old and he might not be everything we want and he might have gotten himself elected on the simple fact that he is not Trump, but at this point that's enough. 

We're not going to fix this in one fell swoop. 

Some young charismatic hero isn't going to drop in, unite the country, and move us back to level center. 

It's going to be a long, grim, painful slog, uphill all the way. 

We're going to have to beat these goons one contest at a time, and push them back into the wretched shadows whence they came. We're going to have to recover all the ground we lost before we can make any progress -- exactly as I goddamned warned some of you back when you were telling me how everything you care about was settled law.

At least you better hope it'll be a long hard haul, because the alternative is even worse. 

Just in case I'm not being clear here: we got rid of the Nazis and reset German society in four years, but it was a little hard on the furniture. 

We could have had the change we wanted more quickly, but, well, here we are. And for all those people who yelled at me four years ago, "DON'T TRY TO SCARE US!" I sure hope you're scared now. If you're not, you're a goddamn fool. 

I hope you're scared enough to show up and do your duty even if you really, really don't want to. 

You know where I'm going with this, don't you? 

But I'll say it anyway: You want a better nation? Be a better citizen. 

Don't talk like one of them. You're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.
--The JokerThe Dark Knight (2008)



  1. Replies
    1. Damage.
      Not as harsh as Berlin in 1945.
      That's where we are going to end up, if Adolph Hitler junior forces his way back into the White House.

  2. Fair weather Dems will be the death of our mostly functioning democratic republic.

    1. You really are in the wrong place!

    2. I see where you're coming from but there is a modicum of truth to the statement. Dems had a chance to make real progress during Obama's first two years but their incessant bickering held them back. And it wasn't just the ones that have been in the party for so long, it was the ones who jumped on the winning bandwagon, too. I'm very glad they've organized and come closer to center>
      But I fully agree with you that the modern Republicans are a threat to this country and democracy as a whole.

    3. We have one party that has completely gone off the rails, will gladly watch our country burn to the ground because of themselves, and yet, it's the Dems fault?

    4. I'm still waiting for trump's great and all I've seen is hardship and division. Pugs don't even know the difference in republic and democracy.

    5. "...human shaped rubber truck nuts...", NAILED IT!

  3. It’s a never ending episode of the Twilight Zone. All too painfully true. I am wondering what your take is on the 14th amendment issue. Appreciate you and love what you share in the politically charged world but the balance you give us with your lovely photography.

    1. The 14th A Sec. 3, Trump can't run (if the 14th A is enforced). But Jim's whole blog just said that every one of the Republican candidates is about the worst choice possible. Be afraid. Register voters. VOTE.

    2. I'm not the chief, but if I was betting? By both the letter and spirit of the 14th amendment, 45* should be disqualified. In a rational country, he would already be disqualified. And if the USA were rational, we wouldn't be in this damn mess in the first place.

  4. Incredibly written to the last letter…Every single horror-instilling word of it the truth.

  5. Terrifying and 100% accurate.

  6. Another essay outta the park with bases loaded.
    But honestly, you had me at gimp suit

    1. JFC, now you made me go look up "gimp suit."

  7. Great essay (as usual). One minor typo -- you spelled "motley" wrong (about 3/4 in).

  8. Beautiful screed, Jim. This is the spiritual successor to Hunter Thompson's evisceration of Nixon.

  9. Damn. Called it!

  10. This is why I contribute to various Dems in key races. This is why I vote as soon as I can (we have early voting in New Mexico) because I am old, and I want to make sure my vote is in, so if I die before election day, I will have still done what I can.

  11. I keep trying to wrap my head around the fact that Ramaswamy promises to deport all American born children of immigrants. So far he hasn’t added the disclaimer “Well, except ME, of course,” but I suppose it’s only a question of time. And how does Nikki Haley (daughter of Sikh immigrants) feel about that? Or Marco Rubio with his Cuban immigrant parents? Or Ted Cruz, whose daddy is a Cuban immigrant. As you have said so many times: “The self awareness of a dog…”

    1. I think his parents are citizens "now", so he's just "fine".

  12. What is that line about a voice in the wilderness? You've been right for a long time. More need to pay attention

  13. Excellent, as usual. I just wish that you could reach every voter willing to save our democracy.

  14. True! I am 72 and terrified!

  15. Brilliant essay, as usual, Jim. Simultaneously incisive, hilarious, and infuriating. I sincerely hope we can keep that malignant bastard from regaining the White House. Although Biden isn't my ideal choice by any stretch, I completely agree that he's vastly better in every way to the orange-spackled fascist demagogue and all the other piss-poor (and incredibly unlikely–barring any highly unexpected convictions that actually prevent Trump from holding office) alternatives. It's going to be one hell of a painful slog from now through next November.

  16. Excellent bit of writing and every word of it true.

  17. In a better world, we'd be coming into the final stretch of Clinton's presidency and discussing the pros and cons of her policies. It's a sad commentary on the state of the American electorate that we're where we are.

    1. In a "better world" we'd have better candidates. Clinton was competent, qualified and I voted for her based on the alternative. But electable? Better than the "other guy" is a race to the bottom and we're almost there.

  18. I'm scared and angry! I'm angry that the 1st amendment means you can lie with impunity. And 2A means you can kill indiscriminately. I'm mad that people who can't count how many Americans have died of covid think we should believe they can count votes. And I'm mad that the guy who gave Obama all kinds of grief about Ebola gets a pass from the media and the democrats for bungling the covid crisis so badly that a MILLION AMERICANS DIED!

  19. Excellent writing and every word is the truth.

  20. Unlike Jason of the Golden Fleece, you soar. America has lost its wings and its way. The battle is for decency first, then democracy.

  21. Oh wow! Fantastic writing

  22. It's obvious you're a good marksman, cause you hit the bullseye. Love your work.

  23. I wish you were wrong and that “some young charismatic hero” IS “going to drop in, unite the country, and move us back to level center.” But since I know you are spot on, I’ll just keep voting against the fucking fascists and encourage others to do the same. It’s exhausting but so much better than the alternative.

  24. Thank you for saying all that needs to be said. As bad as it was when Trump was in office, I felt a sense of relief with the election of Mr. Biden, even though he did not, and does not, make me leap with joy. However, I do not remember any time in my life being absolutely appalled by a political party that at one time had Dwight Eisenhower as its candidate and is on its way to its demise. What will happen in the years to come and what my child and grandchildren will be exposed to scares me. If these folks persevere, 1984 is not only a novel, but a prediction. Thank you, Jim, for being a voice of reason in the crazy house.

  25. Succinct and yes I've been scared all along. C'mon asteroid!

  26. Dammit Jim, you do a helluva job of giving me hope. Recently moved and just got my brand new voter registration card in the mail. The old one was getting a bit tattered. I intend to tatter the stuffing out of this one.

  27. Everything said is true - but Trump is IMO a symptom -- it's his supporters who are the real problem....

  28. You hit another one out of the ballpark Jim. I've been following you since the Palin days and it so refreshing to read a well written, albeit terrifying, essay on the dangers of Trump et al. Thanks for the good read! I pray that enough people get out to vote to ensure that Trump/Repubs do NOT win! It would be a total disaster.

  29. I read this entire post in George Carlin's voice. I can offer no higher praise. Bravo.

  30. Cancelling the series half way through the first episode....I laughed too much at that one.

  31. I read this entire post in George Carlin's voice. I can offer no higher praise. Bravo Zulu.

  32. Magnificent -- and totally true. This is the outcome of a situation that started with Nixon five decades ago. I find it hard to believe that nobody, save for a very few observant individuals, saw it coming. I just hope that it's not too late to change course

  33. Just as a bit of historical trivia, Socialist Eugene Debs ran in the 1920 presidential election while a prisoner in a Federal penitentiary. He got almost a million popular vote but no electoral votes.

  34. Well thought out and written. Better listen to this wise man.

  35. Great reminder to send a donation... Sadly these observations are true for not just the US. Too many alt right, every damn where (imho).

  36. Something every sane person (and some not so sane) should read. Great analysis, Chief. Gonna post a link to this on my FB page so that you get full credit.

  37. Another great essay Jim...thank you.

  38. Been incredulously terrified since 2016.
    It's rough living in a state where most of the population will rabidly and enthusiastically vote for who is the biggest turd-in-the-punchbowl du jour, but I will definitely vote for the sane, rational one, even though it's an uphill battle. I didn't fight my way back from 14 weeks of cardiac rehab to sit by idly.

  39. Typo? Ramaswamy … passed a test based [on] his criteria -

  40. Scary as hell & you're not wrong.

  41. It's very sad that it's 2023 and Jim is still having to write about Trump.

  42. OMG how horrifying. How did the country lose its collective minds, morals and rationality in such a short span of time? I do believe that the vast majority of people do not want authoritarians in places of power. Perhaps given the actions and stated intentions of R candidates everywhere, voters will be eager to halt their progress. Any and all of the R candidates for president are unacceptable. Ramaswamy and DeSantis being the bottom of this barrel.
    I usually leave the country for the winter, but next year, I will remain long enough to vote early. Depending on the results, I might just stay away.

    1. Respectfully, this nation's been losing its mind since about 6 months after 9-11. The trees we have now were planted 20+ years ago...and have been meticulously cultivated to grow badly and with malice.

  43. I watched a documentary on Warren Jeffs and FLDS Mormon cult and how with all the abuse of women and children and his conviction for those crimes his followers still blindly follow his pronouncement from prison. It made me think of Trump supporters no matter what he does he is their Gods voice on earth to be obeyed.

  44. It's terrifying how easily all the worst of America became normalized for al most half of all voters.

    There are 2 civic duties in a democracy: jury, and voting. Fines and jail occur if you refuse one...why not the other?

  45. Bravo. As usual well said.

  46. Thank you for this. Excellent points My Kid and I will enjoy our discussions on this

  47. I want to get a tattoo of this one. This is exactly all of it.

  48. "And for all those people who yelled at me four years ago, "DON'T TRY TO SCARE US!" I sure hope you're scared now. If you're not, you're a goddamn fool."

    I, forone, am scared shitless.

  49. i feel like the Dems are Ukraine, and Repubs are Russia in this fight, being helped by Mr Musktard in the conservatory with the lead pipe.
    another excellent essay.

  50. Part of the pain for me comes with the knowledge that the Monster is a reflection of its creators. Some of them can pass as good, caring humans, but still, through some sort of wiring failure, ignorance, or just plain evil, share at least some of the characteristics of their idol.

    Good people innocently fail to recognize the depths of fear and self-righteous hate to which others can fall. 2016 was a good example. I saw it coming, voted early, and started my "apology tour" in Canada. Been calling it that ever since.

    Oh - and the "conscientious objector" status of so many otherwise sensible voters - it *doesn't work*! Not now. Maybe in some other universe. Here - it's two choices for pres. Maybe lesser offices - and those "lesser offices" are vital too. Seems I heard there is some sort of election coming up *this year* - mere months/weeks away.

    Thank you, as always, for a great synopsis of the Horror.
    Oh - yes - I spotted a few typos. They did not, however, change my mind about anything.

    Oh - and the Maine Republicans recently complained about the totally unfair attempts to block a certain candidate from the ballot because of a few indictments on, of course, trumped-up charges. Yes - I had to write that. Not sure if it was a quote but would have been funnier if it had been.

  51. I feel every word of this to my core. Trump is a clear and present danger, but every single Republican is as well. Another terrifying piece that scares the hell out of me, but honestly, existential angst has become my baseline. Thank you for being a clear voice in perilous times.

  52. If, as has been said, when people show you who they are, you should believe them, then sterling behaviour and electoral wins mean nothing. Criminality and sedition are the tip of this iceberg of shit, and you are going to have to consider grimmer measures before grimmer measures happen to you. Because comical as some of the Waffle Waffen are, far more ruthless forces are using them as sock puppets.

  53. How about let’s get a REAL Democrat candidate. Sorry but Biden ain’t going to do it.

  54. Ironically, the current administration is acting conservatively, looking back to programs which made this country great internally and on the world stage. Instituting New Deal and Marshall Plan like programs which historically provided for the prosperity of the mid-20th century is a preservation of what is good tactic. Liberally adjusting the country for the future is added for balance to ensure there is a future for this country.
    I want a blue hat that says "Making America Great Again".
    I find it interesting that this cycle repeats itself. Almost like once something drops out of generational experience into history it has to repeat itself . . . like the lessons aren't learned.,%2C%20and%20finally%2C%20a%20Crisis

  55. "Ron DeSantis couldn't get laid in The Villages with two front row tickets to The Grand Ole Opry and a handful of Golden Corral coupons.". Priceless. :)

  56. This essay was crafted and seasoned and just what I have been waiting for. You touched all the fine points. You are one hellava writer, sir. Love and hugs from one of your long-time fans.

  57. The Democrats could run a door knob for President and I'm casting my vote for the door knob over any one the Republicans put forward. I've read enough history to see who's language lines up with the fascists. I'll be there in Election Day off only to say FU with my vote too Republicans.

  58. "There are probably space aliens living in some incompressible technological construct a thousand light years from here that hate Mike Pence and wouldn't anal probe him even if he was the last redneck on a remote Nevada highway."

    ROTFLMAO, Chief. I thought I had heard insults before, but this has moved to the top of my list. And, sadly, it is all true.

  59. A fine article but one nitpick is in order. You wrote "He's not the first candidate for president with a mugshot, but he might be the only one who got arrested, fingerprinted, and had to call a bail bondsman while he was running for office."

    Eugene V Debbs ran for POTUS while imprisoned.

    1. Yes. And, as noted in the text, so did Lyndon LaRouche. But both were in prison before they started their campaigns. Trump was arrested during his campaign, four times. Again, as noted in the text. //Jim

  60. Seems like you've been warning us for a lot longer than 4 years. I sure wish more people would listen.

  61. I’m beginning to feel sorry for his duped supporters. It won’t be pretty when they finally realize they’ve sold themselves into slavery to a thief who took their money, democracy, morality, security, and futures.

  62. Brilliantly written. One minor quibble, it took 6 years to defeat the nazi scum the last time. Other countries did the heavy lifting for 2 + years, up until Pearl Harbor.

  63. Thank you!!! I really hope that people show up. The idiots who said Row v Wade couldn’t be overturned!!! Do you think they have woken up??? I hope so!!!

    Vote like your rights as an American citizen are at risk. Because they are!

  64. "...they'd get punished for the sins of their parents..."
    Isn't that what North Korea does?

  65. If we lose just once, we’re dead. Hard to believe that won’t happen at some point in the next 10-12 years. Talk about long hard slogs…

  66. How are you with harmless pedants Jim? Words in the form of whence, thence, and hence 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘺 'from'. Yes, I'm aware that I know things that don't improve my life, the lives of others, or my country and the world at large. But I can hear my dead mother with her Masters Degree in English Literature calling from eternity. As you were.

    1. That's what you got from the essay? Some days I wonder why I even bother to write this stuff, which is why nowadays I mostly just don't.

      It's fixed. // Jim

  67. "Accomplished nothing"? I'd say killing 750,000 Americans through his criminal incompetence and negligence is an accomplishment.

  68. I always appreciate your political essays. You write so much better than I do, and say what I think needs saying.

    One small typo - you said they want to roll back the calendar to 1950 - to get rid of the Voting Rights Act, EPA, integration, etc. They really want to roll back to 1850 - and also get rid of the New Deal, Bretton Woods, income tax, and undo the Civil War.

  69. Thanks Jim, one of your best, most acrid pieces in recent memory. Sadly, it's likely few in MAGAt world will ever see or buy into it. But it's a powerful comment on the sad state of the GQP and agree it's going to be a long and brutal slog over many years.

    I'd be interested if you could point me to some recommended articles by you (or others) that delve into exactly how we got here over the years. After Ike, seems like that Party was bought and sold by big money. Citizens United? Extreme gerrymandering and voter supression? NRA and its perversion of the 2nd Amendment? All of the above and more I suppose.

    Keep up the great work, love your pics and artwork too.

  70. Jim, I love your work. I wish you would post more often here as I will not join you in the social media world. I understand why you are there but I find that time spent there creates an intense disdain for my fellow human beings. The stupid is too great to witness. Fight on brother, I'll take what I can get.

  71. "He accomplished quite literally nothing, other than an ill-conceived trade war and record unemployment."

    Don't forget that he fought for and signed for a tax cut that's *still* dragging the Economy, even with all the measures that the current Administration has taken to try to mitigate it since then.

  72. Agree with the Republican candidate review, but saddened by the fact that we're still up against a strong challenge due to Bidens age and son. I think he's a good standard bearer for the party in general, but Feinstein and McConnel are showing the dangers of the rapid drop off. Hopefully we eke it out and get a strong lineup for 28. Not sure who that is. Newsom and Whitmer are probably early faves with Harris obviously in play .Maybe Klobuchar or Tester in the VP role. I was wondering what your take is on Chas Freeman's recent talks (if you pay attention to him at all). And also the Russian and Chinese situations, especially in respect to Ukraine and Tiawan. You may have given a take on those on other social media, but I'm just here.

  73. I don't want to push them back into the shadows. I want all their pathetic ...patheticness out in the light where we can keep an eye on them. No more shadows.


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