Saturday, September 18, 2021

Recap September 18, 2021


The inaugural crowd here at Trump's reinstatement is yuge.

It's the Million MAGA March. 

Well, if you use bible math. You know where the earth is only 6000 years old, this could totally be a million people. Totally.

That's today, right? 

Sure! That's today. The election declared invalid. The insurrectionists vindicated. Trump reinstated. Hillary Clinton dragged off to jail and Mexico sent us a check for the Wall...

I mean, if it's not today, then when

Look, I don't want to be a pessimist, but I'm starting to seriously doubt if that Pillow Guy knows what he's talking about.

Capitol Police estimated turnout was only 400 to 450 people. And from the pictures I think they're probably being generous. 

The Proud Boys didn't show up. 

The Oathkeepers didn't show up. 

The usual Republican rabble-rousers, Gaetz, Greene, Cawthorn, Giuliani, didn't show up and those vultures never miss an opportunity -- or a free lunch. 

Hell, they couldn't ever book Sarah Palin and she ain't got nothing to do these days. 

I mean, goddamn, Bristol Palin could have drawn a bigger crowd. 

Look at these pathetic dipshits.

(photo credit Dana Milbank WaPo)

These same racist morons scream about a black man kneeling during the national anthem, but here these same flabby dickless hypocrites are, vandalizing that very same flag. 


More like 3% of the normal number of brain cells. 

These people literally cannot be kicked when they are down enough. 

They're not soldiers. They're not Minutemen. They're for damn sure not patriots. 

They're just a bunch of overfed self-important privileged assholes too damn stupid to see they've been used. Same as the dumb violent goons who rally to any authoritarian cause, from the Brown Shirts to the Bolsheviks to the goddamn Confederates. 

They couldn't articulate what their own complaints are if you paid them. 

All they know is that they're mad. That's right, they're mad. The politicians and the pundits and the news shows told them to be mad and by the Angry White Christian God they are. They've been mad for years now, hell, they can't even remember the last time they weren't mad. 

At this point, mad is embedded in their genes and they don't know how to feel anything but rage anymore. 

And yet, these people live in the most prosperous nation in the world. 

As revolutionaries go, these assholes, they can't even say they're hungry. They're not trying to overthrow the government because they're starving. Or because they've been deprived their rights and property. Or because the government won't let them worship their god in their own fashion. Or because they've been imprisoned without due cause. Or because they've been pressed into military service to fight an unjust war in a foreign land. Or because they're being overtaxed or under represented. Or even because the government is housing soldiers in their homes without just compensation.

They cannot point to a single grievance outlined in the Declaration of Independence that they must endure. 

Not one. 

No, in fact they have so much leisure time and so much extra income they can drive to Washington D.C. in their $50,000 trucks and spend all day on the Washington Mall shouting about how oppressed they are by a government that's trying to give them healthcare, civil rights, good jobs, clean water, clean air, and a decent place to live, all while doing its damnest to keep these unvaccinated dolts from getting a preventable disease on purpose and killing themselves from deliberate stupidity. 

Ultimately, these people were rallying for Donald Trump. 

And Trump? Well, he fucked over the organizers by telling his supporters not to go...

... and then he went golfing. 

Which is either hilariously ironic or a testament to MAGA masochism. 


  1. Nailed it yet again. All they got is mad, mainly because they are losing.

  2. It's not the "giving them health care" It's the "giving that other undeserving guy MY healthcare."
    Somehow anybody gets something they want it too. They live in zero-sum game land.

  3. Driving home to NoVa from Richmond via the back way last Sunday, I saw Much MAGA-niss in Hanover and Eastern Louisa counties. I'd bet that many of those who showed up, were from there.

    1. maybe they were "too skeered" to roll into town?

    2. They can't take their guns into DC.

  4. a resounding word poster about their 'cause'... Thank you sir!
    ... they tried to garner...something...and it avoided them like a masked, vaxx'd librul.
    we salute you.

  5. These brilliant souls could not enumerate which grievances in the Declaration of Independence apply to them because they have never bothered to read it. Much less try to understand it content.

    1. No like button here, but you make important points about these pusgutted armchair basement warriors.

    2. I seem to recall people like them complaining about the anti-American sentiments of a set of Tweets a few years ago, one where the Declaration of Independence was transmitted. They didn't realize that they were complaining about the foundation document that led to the United States.

    3. "Pusgutted" is the word of the day.

    4. I love reading everything you write sir! It is nice to know there are so many people who feel the same way I do aboit these yahoos.

  6. Thank you, Jim. That was so satisfying to read.

  7. These idiots who seem so excited for fascism don't get that they won't do any better under fascism than the rest of us!

  8. As you often say, "Heh, heh, heh." 😂 Totally pathetic showing. Where's all the support for those poor "political prisoners"?

  9. I believe Greene flew to Italy, on a first class ticket yesterday?!

    1. Italy? Do I even want to know why? Trying to ensure COVID tears through their population again hard and fast?

  10. According to the MAGAts on Twitter they 'knew' it was a durn FBI setup, so they didn't go. Their 'leader' AKA the Apricot Antichrist, will tell them when it really IS time, and then y'all dam libruls are gonna be sorry! Hoo boy! 😑

    1. And, apparently, the current bizarro claim of the day is that the police on Jan. 6th weren't "actually" police, but BLM/Antifa/Leftie activists out to make them look we have to try to make that happen.....

  11. I'd call them undertaxed and overrepresented, but I tend to be harsh in my judgment.

  12. I do think one of their original grievances was taxes, at least according to when they were the Tea Party. Without representation, not so much.

  13. As usual you have hit the nails on the head!!! I am VERY grateful tho that there was no violence .. Jan 6th was very traumatizing for all of us .. we did not need ..nor want.. another event like that!!!

    1. As they are essentially cowards, they wouldn't erupt into violence unless they had overwhelming numbers to back them up.

  14. I’m loving this new/old recap format.

    The best trick the GOP ever pulled is the one where they got their constituents to vote against their own best interests.

    It’s the trick that just keeps giving.

    1. For them it's about status and identity and they're willing to pay hugely to maintain them. Think of the Jim Crow South! Enormously impoverished by racism, and still they kept the Jim Crow system. In lesser form, they have it still.

  15. The staggering diversity of this group screams "freedom and justice for all".
    Oh, sorry, I see that my sarcasm font was locked on.

  16. Boy, that turnout was even more pathetic than I expected.

    Now watch them try to turn it into some sort of victory: "Nyah, nyah, scaredy-cat libruls got all het up over nuthin, derp derp derp!"

    1. The guy that set this, whatever it was, claimed victory the night before because of all the media attention. There were almost more media there than protestors.

    2. The very same media those cowards insist are anti-patriot.

  17. I don't even get it with these chowderheads. MAGAts all.

  18. These people are what Marxists would call "petite [petty, small] bourgeois reactionaries" - what in more usual US English would call upper middle class conservatives. Marxists will tell you that they formed the backbone of European fascism in the 1930s. Without agreeing with Marxist ideology, they for-sure called this one. They will also tell you that the petite bourgeois are politically ineffectual - they are constantly in competition with each other - without the support and leadership of the haute [high] bourgeois, the truly rich, people like Trump, the Kochs, or Erik Prince. In this case, that support and leadership was lacking, so the would-be insurrection fizzled. Unfortunately, this heavily-armed group remains a threat; with media and financial support and effective leadership, they could again rise. They can also be hugely destructive at the state and local level, as we are seeing in Republican-governed states.

  19. This is what happens when they mix their ivermectin with adderall.

  20. "Look, I don't want to be a pessimist, but I'm starting to seriously doubt if that Pillow Guy knows what he's talking about."

    I swear to god, we NEED a sarcasm font!

    Thanks for the smile.

  21. Good one Jim. It amazes me still that even now I see the Trump trucks speeding around the big town of Wasilla with their Trump 2024 Flags on one side and either an American flag, or a confederate flag on the other. Yup. Running around in there more like 60-80K dollar lifted, belching black smoke detuned Diesels. They may not have shown up in DC this time, but be damn sure they will continue to let their presence be known in places like Wasilla, and yes, Florida. They may be a bit deflated, but they are still here, and they still can be dangerous to this country.

  22. Yesterday, I was kind of wondering what their "second calling" would look like. If they weren't so richly deserving of all the derision we can heap on them, I'd say it was a downright pitiful turn out. And I'm being kind here. As kind as I get with these Trump muffins.

  23. My understanding is they didn't go because they thought it was a setup. Lots of media and security forces were there, hoping for a confrontation that would make Trump's followers look bad and possibly justify further crackdowns. So no one showed up. It's not really a victory, just a game the designated losers decided not to play. If anyone should be embarrassed it's the media and government that wasted so many resources on a non-event.

    1. This time it was a nothing burger. That doesn't mean this rightwing nutjobs are done and that we get to relax our attentions.

    2. I'm not sure anyone should be embarrassed for preventing a potential riot. If this is what it takes to get the loonies to crawl back under their logs, I would say "mission accomplished".

  24. These folks are like a case study in cognitive dissonance. It would be fascinating and important for the future to have psychologists debrief these folks and record the maelstrom in their brains as they justify their actions and Trump's inaction all while he still hits them up for donations. These guys are Wile E. Coyote and putting Trump back in the White House is the Roadrunner.

  25. The level of fear in these people is completely off the charts. They're so wrapped up in their fear of everything not them they can't even begin to function with anything close to rationality. The One-Two punch of Trump and the Pandemic has exposed them as the scared little children they've always been.

    1. I don't know man, I sense a lot of fear coming from folks like you, not only toward Trump and his followers, but toward covid, the un-vaccinated, Putin, etc. There's plenty of fear to go around in the USA these days; it's the true pandemic of our times. Maybe everyone needs to look in the mirror, take some deep breaths and try to calm down.

    2. Don’t conflate fear with derision and contempt.

  26. It was lame. More self pity whining and Grievance. They have the right to peacefully assemble and protest. They have the right to make Fools of themselves. This shows how much on the fringe they are. Today, they were peaceful. But we can't assume anything.

  27. I saw a Creator but it will on tiktok yesterday. If these are the people who believe Antifa committed the insurrection, why are they marching in support of that? 🙄

  28. I’ve always said, some people ain’t happy unless they’re unhappy.

  29. So pleased to be able to read you daily. Not interested in face book

  30. The only thing they want and that they’ll never get is respect. I don’t know what happened to these folks but maybe some electroshock therapy and six months without any sort of media but your blog might cure it.

    1. That was the thinking behind the MK-Ultra mind control experiments of the 1950s and 60s, when they used electroshock, drugs, hypnosis and repeating tape loops to see if they could brainwash people and remold their personalities. Most people agree that this was an evil enterprise, but apparently there are still some folks who think that if the ends are noble enough, any means are acceptable. Pretty disturbing to hear people who presumably call themselves liberals espousing this sort of thing, but another sign of the times, I suppose.

  31. The only thing about these mad people that scares me every night when I lay down to sleep is that they are all registered to vote. And they certainly WILL go vote.

  32. These spoiled children are mad because they've been told to be mad. What is really upsetting them is knowledge that White Christians will soon be just another minority in this country. It's striking to me that the fear mostly comes from not being able to envision true equality. They can't conceive of a country where no one is given privilege and everyone is truly equal. That's not in their world. They have enjoyed their privilege to make others live on the margins in poverty and hopelessness for so long they just skip right over equality and end up at the opposite end of that spectrum. They think loss of privilege means the other minorities they have long mistreated and persecuted will now be able to turn the tables on them and treat them the way they've always been treated. What they are doing on a mass scale is projecting. They are so terrified that someone they don't think is worthy will be enjoying the same life they enjoy that they are willing to burn this country down. That's why the orange idiot is their idol. He wants to burn it all down just for the pleasure of doing it and they are willing to be used to do that.

    1. Or maybe you're the one projecting? I don't see this equality you're talking about; I see a very small, incredibly wealthy and powerful elite who have separated themselves from the rest of society, play by different rules, have different values, consider much of the population deplorable and like to play divide and conquer games with them. Have you factored resentment of all that into your projections?

      In any case, there's no need to burn the country down; the obvious solution is to have a peaceful separation for irreconcilable differences, not a protracted civil war that makes everyone miserable. There's no good reason why people who have such fundamental differences should share a country, is there?

    2. I see the same thing you see. By no means do I think we have reached any kind of equality. I don't believe I said that. I've been talking for years about how all of us have a common adversary in the rich and powerful who have always managed to pit left and right, Black and White, rich and poor against each other. They've succeeded right here in this conversation between you and me. I am not the one advocating burning things down. My point was simply that leaders on the right have been exploiting and feeding the fears of their voters because those voters can't envision true equality. I'm not sure how you missed that, honestly.

  33. Ironic that few of that group are mad because they themselves felt oppressed somehow - instead they're mad because they were told to be - a huge difference. And yet none realize they're just puppets...

  34. There was MORE people at this rally than dump's inauguration. ;) It was massive.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I am commenting just to raise my hand and say "I'm here". Probably, many have followed you here and I think you should know that. Likely, I will offer comments that are more on-topic in the future.

  37. I still say screw Facebook for making it not worth it the bullshit for you to keep posting political content there, but also it's wonderful to see you no longer having to tapdance around their arbitrary, opaque content filtering algorithms, and be free to say exactly what you mean to without the added consideration of whether it will get you put in time out.

  38. I'd love to hear you comment on Boebert's speech last week at a christian college, in which she told her audience that "Christian Warriors" needed to step up to wage war against the United States because their ancestors were "revolutionaries" and the current "tyranny" is SO MUCH WORSE than the grievances that led Americans to declare independence from Britain.

    There's a tribal demand to "believe" certain things, like "We're oppressed and therefore justified in violent revolution!" and "The elections are rigged if we don't win!" (along with the requirement to be "against the vaccine") and therefore a huge demand on the right for something, ANYTHING, that appears to "support" those tribally-mandated commitments. Having Faux News function for the last three decades as the agitprop arm of the GOP was bad enough, but the current situation is worse insofar as the demand for delusory reasons creates a vast market for various versions of BS, ANY versions that can be adopted by a few hundred people, the attention of whom can provide a trickle of income to the inventors and purveyors of the BS. There's apparently nothing so obviously untrue that a few hundred "accounts" can't make it SEEM shared enough to be claimed as truth to all the others who just "don't know the real story". And the balkanization of the crazy works to support the ability of vastly different members of the tribe to support the overall demand to be "against" the vaccine or "for" the Big Lie. If one set of fake reasons doesn't stand up for you, others are available, or you can always make one up for yourself, and circulate it on the net for the use of others.


  39. Please enter a link to your blog daily with your bird pictures. That way we can jump right to this column. THanks!

  40. I'm so glad you're free to write as you wish. The only part I dislike is trying to sign in for comments!

  41. William Underhill, retired PO1 (RCN)September 22, 2021 at 1:53 AM

    "and killing themselves from deliberate stupidity."

    A friend of mine put it as "stupidity with malice aforethought", which I thought a fantastic phrase. Thanks for keeping on top of things, Chief.


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