
Monday, June 11, 2012

A Note About The Hiatus

More astute readers will note that Stonekettle Station hasn’t been updated in going on two weeks.

Sorry about that.

No, I haven’t given it up. I was overtaken by events. Writing takes time and concentration and (for me anyway) isolation.  Those things have have been in short supply lately.

Also, I’m sick and have been for about a week now.  I’m getting over it, but yesterday instead of writing I ended up sleeping for fifteen hours. I’m not a good sick person and I can’t write when I’m sick – mostly I just sit on the couch and moan and ask people to bring me stuff.

Posting will resume shortly.


  1. Maybe all pork diet you've been on? Oh, yeah, I check Facebook...

    1. All pork? Bleah!!
      Must be a computer virus; Wickershim's Conscience has been too sick to blog much as well.

  2. I wish you a speedy recovery. I guarantee that we, and the trolls, will be here when you choose again to gift us with your Overlord Wisdom.

  3. Feel better! I'll be here waiting for you to come back.

  4. I noticed. Hope you feel better soon. I miss you.

  5. I hope that you feel better soon. Peace.

  6. Been missing you! Get well. There has been a nasty and long running flu/cold making the rounds in AK.

  7. Sleeping 15 hours is an excellent way to get over whatever ails you. Hope you feel better real soon.

  8. Take care of yourself first! I enjoy your posts (even when I don't completely agree with you), but you don't owe me—or any of your readers—a damn thing. You're on my Google Reader, so, whenever you resume posting, I'll see it.

  9. I just figured the Facebook minions had gotten you.

    Feel better!

  10. I hope you feel better soon!

  11. Repeating others, get well soon. I knwo what being sick and not being able to do anything is like...no fun!

  12. Take your time and heal up. We will be here when you get back. SO that said, hurry up....we are being overtaken by the stoopid and insane.....help.us.....

    1. Don't take your time. I can't take much more of this terrible jonesing for ranting, strong opinions, misspellings, poor attempts at humor, and pictures of cats.

  13. What Buford said! Get well quick!

  14. "Mostly I just sit on the couch and moan and ask people to bring me stuff."

    Yep...sounds like an officer...

    (Get well soon).

  15. Come back to us soon - the world is a lot drearier without you!

  16. Get well--we miss you!

  17. Feel better soon Jim!

  18. Get well soon... and we'd all be a buncha losers to not realize that sometimes, life gets in the way! :) Be well and see ya back when you're better...

  19. I sympathize, Jim. Spent all day in bed with pressure-induced blazing headache (Got to ride in a 1929 Ford Tri-motor over the Blue Ridge Mountains the day before). Get well soon, missed the comments, and boy have you got a rich field to plow!

  20. Get well man..your posts are the best!

  21. one more vote for "take care, jim".

  22. Nick from the O.C.June 12, 2012 at 9:00 AM

    You are missed. Get well, soon.

  23. If you can't post, you can't post, but I think I should get at least a partial refund.

  24. Have always valued your work.

    You have delighted, informed and inspired.
    For this, I owe you gratitude and a thanks note I'm way late on doing.

    You owe me nothing.
    We'll be waiting when you get back.

    Glad to know what happened though.
    Doubted the crazy hordes got you (more likely you'd get them, I think) but still good to know.

    1. Have no fear of the frenzied hordes getting me. If they come near, I'll wipe a booger on them. See how they like that.

    2. Spot on...booger picking,along with sex are both repressed along with many other pleasures of life. Kripes, these people defy logic.

  25. Do, please, get better; you are missed!

  26. As long as you keep your requests for stuff to humans. I can only imagine if you asked Shop Kat to bring you something.

  27. I prescribe several hours of fishing. Cures all sorts of sickness, including the no-fish-in-pan virus. Take plenty of Tea Party Repellant, which also works well on bears, moose and cranky beavers. Caution: has been proven to be ineffective on individuals with IQs higher than 75.

  28. Take lots of whiskey, and if that don't work, take lots more!

  29. Missed you. Good to know you're still on the planet. Be better soon.

  30. As much as I like to see new posts on this blog, it's good to see they don't come every day, or even every week. IMHO, it's a positive sign of life outside of the inter-webz, and bodes well for the author's sanity and perspective.

    Sorry to hear you've been unwell. Glad to hear you're convalescing as you should (I'm a firm believer in work-free petty tyrannies on the couch as healing balm)

    Nice to see an explanation, even tho you don't owe one to anybody.
    Take care, and your time. The ether-world can wait.



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