Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Note About Commenting

Folks, Stonekettle Station is suddenly very popular with those parasitic cretins who seem to think every comment queue on the internet is a toilet.

I’m talking about comment spammers, just in case that’s not immediately clear. If there actually is a biblical hell, it is my fervent wish that these sorry sons of bitches spend eternity getting a boiling pitch enema from Satan while It’s a small world after all plays in the background on endless loop.

I have the comment spam filter cranked up to 11, that means some of your comments are being dropped into purgatory.

If you comment and your pithy musings don’t appear immediately, fear not. I will fish them out eventually and restore them to their proper place of glory for the world to see.  However, if I accidently confuse your brilliance for yet another missive for cheap man pills from my persistent friends in Bangalore, India or Asswhipe, Uzbekistan, drop me an email and I’ll fix it – alternatively, you may just wander away sobbing and wondering if perhaps I hate you (I do, just FYI).

Thank you.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled internet.


  1. Did you clean that place out yet? Last time we checked it was a MESS.

  2. No, and now the company in the holding cell really stinks.

  3. Got it.

    No commenting about porn or Viagra or asking you to help me recover money from my dead uncle who was finance minister in Lithuania.

  4. Made me laugh. And that's not always easy. :D

    Oh, P.S. I hate you too.

  5. If you send me your SSN and your bank account number, I will send you genuine, pithy and amusing comments from my secret bank account in Nigeria.

  6. ::Gets out the chocolate, sits on the couch and waits for the show::

  7. how much are your birch bowls can i pay by pay pal

  8. I'm with neurondoc, and I've got a lot of sausage, including beef hot dogs. I see lots of wood aging here, where does he keep the grill?

  9. Party at Jim's! No parasitic cretins allowed.

  10. Not "it's a small world!!"

    By the way, we hate you too. Keep up the good work.

  11. And now those insidious "birch bowl buying" spammers are invading.

    The Horror!

  12. At least he didn't yell that he wanted to by a bowl

  13. Is that anything like buy a vowel?

    ::Joins Neurondoc on couch...this should be fun!::

  14. I can't remember how I came across your blog, doesn't really matter. Love it.

    Trying to figure out if I bumped into you in the Navy somewhere while looking at your NTWS profile. I'm a retired CPO T-bird and a couple of familiar names there between us.

  15. It's possible, Buk. I started out as a T-bird in the early 80's, made the switch to R-brancher when BUPERS did the big re-alignment. But I spent most of my career in a deep black hole, outside of the regular community.

    Drop me an email, Buk, and we'll see if we know each other

  16. Ok, Let's see if this thing works...I was really hoping that I could get some good links to cheap viagra and oxycodon.
    R. Limbaugh

  17. Jim:
    Could we have a tiny tissue sample?
    We need to clone you because a very successful blog I’ve been following for several years now has been taken over by self aggrandizing thugs who have driven away the rational posters who used to meet there. It’s too bad but when the blog was set up originally, it was unmoderated and is now suffering from that lack of oversight. It truly needs a “take no prisoners” approach but it may be too late.
    You’ve already blasted a few out of the water including that thug Tex who showed up a few times on the blog in question. That’s good but necessary. It’s also time consuming. But blog monitoring can induce more high blood pressure than tending a garden surrounded by moles and rabbits.
    I doubt if you’ll have a BP problem. Good Job!

  18. Sheila, not lurking todayApril 17, 2011 at 2:52 PM

    Can I assume that all comments including the phrase "malign twattage" will make it past your moat monster?

    BTW, did you manage to use it in conversation, and what was the topic? Do tell!

  19. You know, it really is a small world, after all.

  20. Can I interest you in some breast enhancements for chickens? It comes straight from the high-quality pharmaceutical companies of the Tibetan Plateau. 100% Pure Cane Extract.

    entica - I believe we now have a brand name for those pitch enemas.

  21. True story: I was once stuck in the "It's a Small World" ride at Disneyworld when the damn ride broke down. I have lived though the nightmare of hearing that freaking song played over and over. It is indeed a hell I would wish on spammers and Internet trolls alike.


Comments on this blog are moderated. Each will be reviewed before being allowed to post. This may take a while. I don't allow personal attacks, trolling, or obnoxious stupidity. If you post anonymously and hide behind an IP blocker, I'm a lot more likely to consider you a troll. Be sure to read the commenting rules before you start typing. Really.