Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

I don’t have much to add that I haven’t said elsewhere.

If you’re an American, you owe your freedom to those who risked their lives in your defense.

But, you know, I doubt that there are many Americans today who don’t realize that.

And whether you agree with the wars we are currently fighting or not, I think most Americans can distinguish between the war and the warrior. As a vet myself, and from where I sit, there is little evidence that the vast majority of Americans don’t appreciate their veterans. I see it every day.  Having grown up in the 60’s, when widespread distaste for the military was common, the difference today is striking – at least to me. Certainly, as I’ve said repeatedly here and elsewhere, I think there’s a hell of a lot more that could be done – but, frankly, compared to how America treated her veterans in the last few decades, I’ll take what I can get.

For those of you who stand the watch in the dark and dangerous corners of the world, thanks.

For those of you who have served, in peace or in war, and like me have now hung up your sword, thanks.

And for those of you who appreciated that sacrifice, who sent your sons and daughters and husbands and wives and fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers off to war, thank you too. Thanks for thinking of us on this day and all the others.

Enjoy the day folks.


  1. I would like to add my "right on!" to your comments. I would also like to add a rant of my own, its belongs here.

    I believe that one of the great mistakes made in our land in recent years was the ending of the draft. Bluntly put, the asses of the rich brats need to be at risk just like the rest of us when their privileged parents lead us into adventures where it is questionable to have done so.

    So, maybe it is time for Universal National Service. Everyone at age 18 goes for 2 years. By lottery, some wind up in various branches of the military, some in a new version of the Civilian Conservation Corps, some in the Peace Corps, and maybe some in the National Police Call Services. I served in peace time, even before Viet Nam. But, I think twice about throwing trash!

    Well, you get the picture.

  2. I don't know that I'd implement the draft, Charles, but I might make some kind of service mandatory for public office. But I certainly understand your point

  3. I was just too young to be included in Britain's post-war National Service but a lot of my contemporaries did their two years. By all accounts it was a terrible experience but one that most of those I have spoken to about it say they have no regrets about whatsoever. Self discipline, real life skills and respect for self and others are things they all learnt. Voluntary service is a great thing in it's way but spreading the lessons of that service across as wide a spectrrum of the population as possible has it's benefits too.

  4. And thanks Jim for your service too!


  5. Thank you Sir, Happy Veterans Day, ::Snaps a Sharp Salute::

  6. P.S. I'm sending you a facee book request, It'll come up as Artimus Foul

  7. jarhead. Sure, send the request. Also, I think I owed you a response about blogging. Unfortunately I've had some email issues and I think that got deleted along with a bunch of other stuff.

  8. And thank you, Jim - not because I'm part of the country you served, but because you served, and for the refined character that resulted.

    Charles: with you on the need to remind the rich. Several changes would have to be made to the draft, not the least of which is an improved trending towards the families of politicians and other war-mongers, and an inability to pay/divorce/hide their way out.

  9. To my dad, Uncle Rick, Jo Dee, ET, Bill, Will, Rick, Frank, Jim, and all the others who served and are serving now-Thank You with all my heart and my continued prayers for your safety and happiness.

    Bless you all.

  10. No problem on the response Jim, I know how life can jump out at people, I'm slowly but surley getting my site migrated.

  11. I was offline pretty much all day yesterday, but this is something that should be said everyday.

    I'd like to thank you for your service, Jim. I chose not to follow in my father's footsteps, but my father, you, Janiece, Vince, my roommate and several of my friends (as well as all the other honorable veterans out there) are amongst the chief reasons we can still call ourselves a free society. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Charles, I'm with Jim on mandatory public service. Some of us are singularly unsuited for the military life (even though I was raised in it), but would be proud to serve our community and country in another way. I rather like Janiece's fabulous, fabulous plan.

  12. Thanks to you, Jim, and everyone else who has served.

  13. Well said Jim and I thank you for your service. I know seeking accolades was not the purpose of your post so I’ll go no further with that. Something you said struck accord with me. I initially enlisted in the USN in June 1975, using a delayed enlistment from December 1974. So, just after the Vietnam War ended. A good many of my fellow sailors were there because they were drafted or the judge gave them a choice. Basically, if you had two arms, two legs and smart enough to keep breathing, you were military material. Talk about bad attitudes! It was a time when military members were looked down upon by society in general. Many served in shame of their work; they did their best to hide their association with the military by growing their hair as long as they could get away with and with their talk and actions as soon as they were off base. I was a volunteer, grew up learning at the knee of my father that serving your country was something to be proud of, but my experience as a young man in the Navy did not support that viewpoint. So when you speak of how attitudes have change, I for one can second that idea and without reservation. I credit our Vietnam veterans for that change, I suspect that a good many of those young men made a pact with themselves that if they were ever in a position to welcome solders back from war they would give them the respect they deserve. Something that they had earned but was withheld. I have no statistics to back this belief, but I believe it to be so none the less. Regardless of the cause, I’m happy that military members are given this respect that they so justly deserve and it makes me proud by association.


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