Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I’m Voting Republican because…


This would be funny, if it weren’t so frighteningly true.


Oh, hell, it’s funny anyway.

h/t to Les over at Stupid Evil Bastard



Note: About the lack of posting, I’m up against a bunch of deadlines at the moment. Something has got to give, so sorry, that’s you.  There will be some kind of post tomorrow. Probably something funny, since I’m a bit sick of politics. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Peter from Sweden, I don't appreciate the spam. Don't do it again, thanks.

  3. I'm voting Republican so I can see Peter's message.

  4. Will tomorrow's funny post have anything to do with being David Hasselhoff? :)

  5. Thanks, Jim. I needed that. I'm voting Republican because I believe we need a Nanny State to tell us who we can love, who to hate, how to have sex, and what to believe. And those damn liberals just don't want to provide it.

  6. My favorite line?

    "I'm voting republican...because we need more minorities in prison."

    Just the earnest way he said it killed me. Beautifully done.

  7. Megan, that's friggin' hysterical.

    Hmmmmm, now I have to think of why I might be David Hasselhoff.

  8. "because the Constitution is just one, big, inconvenient headache." - that was the one that got me rolling.

    schloged - potential outcome of Nov 2.

  9. For just a moment, when the headline popped up, I was frightened. "The pod people have captured Jim," I screamed. Made everyone else in the office stare.

  10. I'm voting Republican so that Jim can't censor Peter from Sweden's freedom of speech on a non-governmental site, how un-'merican (I mean, I really doubt that is was one of those treasonous liberal posts -- now they should be derided and banned).

    (sorry, was ripe for the picking)

  11. How does somebody from Sweden commit treason against the United States?

  12. It's not censorship if you're a republican, it's "National Security." Just another reason to vote straight GOP this year.

    Try to keep up folks.

  13. I'm voting Republican because teaching children they evolved from lesser animals and aren't the special creations of God who were given dominion over all plants and animals of the world will only scare and discourage them!

    And I'm voting Republican because I'd like to live that much closer to the beach when ocean levels rise because of sunspots!

  14. Oh, Jim, there are SO MANY REASONS you could be David Hasselhoff! I'd love to get an entry from you.

  15. Thank Dog it's the Hof, and not a Justin Bieber contest.

  16. Embedded link won't work anymore, due to a copyright claim.

    (I'm voting Republican so I can watch whatever videos I want without annoying copyright claims?)


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