
Monday, January 11, 2010

I'd Hoped For More Time

How long could you survive after punching a bear in the balls?

Created by Oatmeal


  1. Gave me 51 seconds. But i have a plan, if i ever feel the need to strike a bear in the balls, i will have a companion i am sure than i can outrun.

  2. 9 seconds. Sigh. No bear-ball-kicking for me.

  3. 32 seconds. But OTOH, I don't even know where to find a bear to kick in the balls.

  4. 31 seconds. But I'm smart enough not to do that in the first place--I know how much bears love their nuts and berries.

    (See what I did there? Huh? Huh? See?)


    crizinde: wot sumone duz inde berzmout aftur he kikz him indebalz--I wuz crizinde berzmout coz hiz teefz hurtz mee zomuch.

  5. 38 seconds, but I plan on standing next to Pam, Nathan, and Eric. That'll give me a little extra time.... probably just enough for the Warrant and MFHC get away safely.

  6. Heh, it occurs to me that if we were all separately struck with madness enough to actually kick a bear in the nards without a handy scapegoat, Pam Adams would arguably be the best off, my extra 42 seconds of survival would be very unpleasant.

  7. 30 seconds.

    Luckily, all y'all did it first, so I doubt the bear will be at his best by that point.

    Plus, he may be full.

  8. Well, ffs! I might as well cover myself with pork chops and honey and toss myself in its mouth -- 24 seconds.

  9. Anybody else now picturing Mrs B covered in tasty pork and honey and not much else? mmmmmmmmmm?

    Oh, right, it's just me. Sure.

  10. 13 seconds. And I overstated my abilities just to get THAT.

    anomn -- falling asleep while hiding your identity

  11. wow i geuss that makes me the last one standing, 55 seconds, i get to watch jim devoured before my own humiating trip to the intestines

  12. Woot - 41 seconds. That would be running down hill LOL

  13. Was bear canape after 34 seconds.


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