Monday, July 13, 2009


There will be a snarky blog post this evening, part two of things that piss me off about commericial air travel in general and Texans in particular. You will be highly entertained and possibly amused (or offended if you're a denizen of the Lone Star state).

However, the yard is literally knee deep in grass and gone to seed and I had to go to Anchorage this morning.

So, posting will be delayed until later.

Vacation clean-up don't you know.

More later.


  1. I showed up to here to be amused and this is all I get? Dance NavyBoy, Dance!

  2. Well, I suppose I could burn a binky...

  3. Great. It's already past my bed time and I get NOTHING.


  4. I can't help it if your evening is not my evening, Michelle.

  5. We stopped mowing the lawn years ago.

    Dr. Phil

  6. What did you do? Buy a herd of goats?

  7. Nope. We raise butterflies now. Monarchs. Last year wasn't a good crop because a nearby field went from shrubbery to corn and we think the prevailing wind moved the pesticides over our way. But the year before I think we got about two dozen Monarch butterflies.

    This year we have a large number of decent milkweed plants and I saw one Monarch fluttering by yesterday -- so I'll have to start looking for the caterpillars.

    Dr. Phil


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